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3 Diet Mistakes to Avoid

It’s been said that 80% of your fat loss results are made in the kitchen, so it’s no surprise that DIET MISTAKES are what get most of us off track with our fat loss efforts.

You can exercise hard every single day, but if you are making these 3 common mistakes then fat loss is going to be slow or nonexistent…😱

🔥Diet Mistake #1: Not Eating Enough Wholesome Calories

Starvation diets simply do not work. Restricting too many calories slows your metabolism to a grinding stop and causes your body to store those precious calories instead of burning them off.

But that’s not all…

Starvation diets inevitably lead to rebounding with overeating that causes you to gain even more weight. There is a huge benefit to eating the right amount of wholesome calories, spread out throughout the day.

Your metabolism is revved up and fat loss becomes automatic. Of course, these must be WHOLESOME and healthy calories and then it's easy to stay within your optimal calorie range.

🔥Diet Mistake #2: Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein is important for a variety of reasons, and many people do not get enough protein in their daily diets. When it comes to losing fat, getting adequate protein is helpful.

It takes more calories to digest protein versus fats or carbs, giving your metabolic rate a boost. It’s also essential to supply your body with the dietary protein needed to build and maintain your muscle mass (you're working out with weights, right?), which helps boost metabolism.

Protein keeps you feeling full, boosts your metabolism and prevents you from turning to snacks that are full of fat, carbs and sugars. I have found that when my clients consume a little more protein every day, they tend to crave sweets a lot less!!!

🔥Diet Mistake #3: Drinking Sugary Beverages

One of the BIGGEST diet mistakes that most people make today is drinking sugary beverages throughout the day. Liquid calories add up and stubbornly stick to our waistlines.

Whether you’re drinking soda-pop, sweet coffee drinks, "energy" drinks or alcoholic beverages, liquid calories are habitual and detrimental to fat loss and health.

Drink more water throughout the day, and get your sweet tooth fix from a piece of fresh fruit.

🔥Remember that a safe and effective exercise plan is part of the equation when it comes to losing weight, getting fit and feeling great! That’s where I come in…

I would love to be your fitness coach. Together we will get you to your goals with my results-driven method.

Simply call or email me today to discuss your goals and needs.


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