I saw an infomercial the other day for a weight loss solution targeting the frustrated people who, “fail to see results from diet and exercise.”
Had to scratch my head on that one.
When does "diet and exercise" fail?
This, of course, is a trick question.
Diet and exercise don’t really fail.
The only way for diet (and by that I mean a nutrition plan) and exercise not to work is if you quit before seeing results and/or if your program isn't designed to get you results.
Plain and simple.
I’ve seen more clients than I can count transform their bodies through the power of diet and exercise. Without surgery. Without gadgets. Without pills. Without deprivation or crazy torturous exercise.
If you feel like you're not making progress toward your goal, is it a consistency issue, a program issue or have you not stuck with it long enough?
How to stick with a nutrition and exercise plan…
I won't downplay the hard work that goes into sticking with a nutrition and exercise plan, day-after-day, week-after-week, in order to achieve a healthy body transformation.
It takes dedication, focus, energy, determination and a refusal to quit... even when you're not seeing results yet.
Think about it: You do your first workout and feel great, but when you look in the mirror, you don't see any progress. ZERO. The same thing happens after workout #2 and workout #3... You look at yourself and see zero improvement.
Of course, your body is changing on the inside and "inside" you are moving toward that healthier, more fit body. But in the first few weeks and those first few workouts, you can't see it on the outside...yet.
In order to get in shape, you really must be committed to your goal and stick with your program through the initial phase of not seeing change.
Which is precisely why so many people give up before experiencing the results that they really want to have.
So, why are some people able to stick with the process long enough to see their body transform while others jump ship after a few weeks? The following four steps hold the key.
Here are the four steps to sticking with diet and exercise for the long haul…
1. Mentally and emotionally commit to the idea of the new, healthier and more fit, you.
You can’t "casually date" the idea of transforming your body. This isn’t a noncommittal, no-strings-attached relationship – you’ve got to go all in, both mentally and emotionally.
Attach yourself to the idea of a healthier new you; focus on how you will feel, what you will wear and how life will improve once you reach your goals. The stronger your feelings and mental image become, the more likely you are to succeed.
2. Keep the game plan as simple as possible.
There is no need for fancy diet plans or complicated exercise programs when it comes to dropping body fat and improving your fitness. Keep your game plan as simple as possible, even eating the same meals often and exercising at the same time for the same length of time (with varying intensity), until your major goal has been met.
Keep it simple, easy to follow and something that you can stay consistent with.
3. Plan for the resistance.
It’s naïve to think that your body transformation journey will be all smooth sailing. Realistically, you will run into resistance and experience the challenges that life brings, and this will happen often on your journey.
This resistance will come in the form of tempting food, old habits trying to come back, social events and waning motivation. But, most powerfully, the resistance will come from inside of you. It’s natural for your subconscious brain to resist change, and transforming your habits and your body is big change. Plan for the waves of resistance and decide how you will overcome obstacles before they arrive. See the resistance coming before it hits you, and you’ll be able to stand strong long enough for it to recede without hampering your progress.
4. Build in accountability.
This is the most important step by far. It is essential to build accountability into your program and your plan. A friend, a coach, or a mentor who has a vested interest in seeing you succeed will save you from throwing in the towel when things get tough.
One role that I fill for my clients is the accountability to keep them on their path to health and fitness with my support, instruction and encouragement. I celebrate with them every inch lost and every ounce of new confidence gained.
If you’re not yet one of my amazing clients then today is the perfect day to begin!
Call or email me now to discuss how I can help you get started on your true body transformation story – and let’s show the world how diet and exercise DO work!