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Crave Less Sugar

If I were to award a single food item with the title of ‘Fastest Way To Pack On The Pounds’, hands down the winner would be refined sugar.

Today we eat 20 times more sugar than people did 200 years ago! No wonder Americans are bigger than ever…

One of the reasons that the American diet is filled with so much sugar is that some form of refined sugar is included in virtually every processed food. This is another motivation to cut the processed and packaged convenience foods from your diet.

Cutting sugar from your diet is easier said than done. Once it is a part of your daily diet, you'll have cravings for it, causing you to eat it even more frequently. But there is hope. You can reverse the daily sugar craving addiction cycle and learn to enjoy occasional treats.

Here are 7 Ways To Crave Less of that Sugar.

Implement these strategies and feel better, have more energy and reach your goals even easier!

✅ Eat More Protein

A diet rich in protein keeps you full, satisfied and less likely to crave sweets. A great way to make sure that you are getting enough is to plan each meal and snack around a protein. Plan breakfast around eggs, Greek Yogurt or a protein shake, lunch and dinner around baked a protein like chicken, tuna, chickpeas, etc. and make snacks hard boiled eggs or try the baked meatballs recipe in this newsletter.

✅ Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

One of the biggest myths out there is the idea that calorie-free, artificially sweetened foods and beverages don’t impact your fat loss results. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the truth is that the diet soda you’re sipping is making it harder for you to reach your goal weight. While the diet drink itself doesn’t contain calories, it has been proven to cause cravings for sugary foods and impact your gut microbiome. Put down the artificially sweetened foods/drinks and instead pick up a refreshing glass of spring water or plain green tea.

✅ Steer Clear Of Saboteurs

The sad truth is that some people in your life will try to sabotage your healthy low sugar diet. You might have that pushy person at the office who insists that you eat a donut, the well-meaning family member who dishes you up a bowl of ice cream, and the friend who comes over with a plate of her home-baked cookies. The best strategy is to sincerely thank the sugar-pusher for their gift. You are choosing to eat healthier, and that's not always easy for others to accept. ​ You don't need to tell them that you're eating healthier these days, simple say "thank you". Or say "no thank you". Up to you. But you don't have to explain yourself.

✅ Try Dark Chocolate

For those moments when your sweet tooth is relentlessly badgering you for something sweet, ditch the super-sugary candies and stick with a small square of very dark chocolate. Chocolate that is 70% or higher in cocoa content can become the only candy that you keep on hand. The benefits of the cocoa, in addition to the lowered sugar content, makes dark chocolate a great healthier treat.

✅ Enjoy Fruit

What’s sweet, colorful and comes in hundreds of flavors? Organic, seasonal, fresh fruit, of course! As you remove refined sugar from your life, feel free to add in some natural sugar by way of fresh, organic, local fruit. It’s amazing how satisfyingly sweet fruit is – it’s truly nature’s candy.

✅ Change Your Palate

As you begin to decrease your intake of refined sugars, you’ll find that your tolerance for sugar decreases. This means that something that didn’t taste that sweet before – say a fresh organic strawberry – now has uncanny depths of sweetness. What’s happening is that your sweet receptors are becoming more finely tuned, now that you’re not overwhelming your palate with sickly-sweet refined sugar.

✅ Workout with Goals

A consistent, progressive exercise routine will not only get you into amazing shape, it also reduces your cravings for sugar. The endorphin rush brought on by vigorous exercise is an even more powerful feel-good-feeling than the pleasure from indulging in sugary foods.

Make effective, regular exercise a part of your life by signing up for one of my programs. I’d love to help you reach your goals using my results-driven method.

Simply call or email me today to set up your complimentary phone consultation, or text me anytime with your questions at 916-204-7729.



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